We can't wait to meet you!

Brick Campus

Wednesday 7pm
Saturday 6pm
Sunday 9am & 11am

236 Brick Blvd, Brick 08723

Bayville Campus

Sunday 10am

1 New Beginnings Way, Bayville 08731

Wall Campus

Sunday 10am

1615 Glendola Rd, Wall 07719

First Time Guests

What Are Services Like?

New Beginnings Church is a place built of people from all different walks of life. Our heart is that you would feel at home from your very first experience at NBC. At New Beginnings you will encounter friendly faces who are committed to showing you and your family the love of Jesus. Our worship is authentic and life-giving and the messages are Biblical, inspiring, and challenging.

What Kind Of Sermons Are Taught?

At New Beginnings Church, our Lead Pastor, Joe Sorce, and our Campus Pastors, strive to always bring Biblical, anointed, powerful, intelligent, and challenging messages. We want to make understanding God’s word enjoyable and exciting! Check out some of our sermon series online by clicking the button below!

What About The Music?
What About The Music?

At New Beginnings, our worship is powerful, uplifting and anointed! Our goal for worship is that we create an atmosphere that allows you to praise, worship, and spend time in God’s presence.

Explore our worship playlist at New Beginnings!

What Can I Wear?
What Can I Wear?

At New Beginnings, you’ll see everything from suits to T-shirts and shorts. Wear what makes you feel comfortable—you’re among family here!

What Will My Kid's Experience Be Like?

We know that bringing your kids to a new church for the first time can be stressful. That’s why we’ve put so much effort into making kid’s church the safest, most comfortable atmosphere you’ll find in a church! Check out our New Kids page for more information!

I Still Have Questions...

And we’d love to hear from you! If you’re attending service, you can always stop by the First Time Guest area in our lobbies (You’ll see a red wall or red banner!) and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have!

You can call us (732 451 0777) or send us a message right here on our website through our chat.

If you’ve already visited, and you’re looking for a way to get more involved, be sure to check out our Next Move classes! If you’re a new Christian, make sure to check out our New Believer classes!

Service Dog Policy

Service Animals (Dogs)
Churches and ministries are exempt from Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well
as NJ LAD (laws against discrimination) so these organizations are not required to admit people
with service animals. Service dog owners must seek permission to enter from the organization’s
leaders, who may grant or deny the request.
Under New Jersey law, the definition of "service dog"; is a dog that is individually trained to meet
the requirements of a person's disability, including (but not limited to):
— dogs that pull wheelchairs
— dogs that retrieve dropped items
— seizure dogs, and dogs that do minimal protection or rescue work.
— New Jersey law recognizes physical, mental, developmental, and psychological disabilities,
so a dog that’s individually trained to assist with any of these disabilities should qualify as a
service dog.
Also the tasks or work the dog does must be directly related to the person’s disability.