Weekly Men's Bible Study

Meet the Brotherhood Ministry on Tuesday mornings for in-depth Bible study with Pastor Joe and the guys from NBC! Invite friends or coworkers to come out with you!

We start promptly at 7am and end at 8am. See you there! (Brick Campus - 236 Brick Blvd, Brick)

Brotherhood Event

Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming Brotherhood event, open to all men ages 16 & up on June 14, 2024.

Who we are.

Our Vision & Mission

Our Vision - We Lift People Up.

We believe that when people draw closer and deeper in their relationship with Christ they are inevitably lifted up. Lifting people up takes on many forms:

— Demonstrating God’s love by meeting natural needs.

— Through an encouraging word.

— Through inspired teaching and preaching of the Word of God.

Our Mission - Lead people into a life-changing, spirit-empowered relationship with Jesus Christ.

How we accomplish this.

INSPIRE through encouraging words in community gatherings.

INFORM through teaching and preaching of the Word of God in Brotherhood gatherings.

PREPARE through meeting each other’s natural needs through personal relationship building, using each other’s unique experiences to build each other up and make each other whole, individually and as a body of men in Christ.

Why we do this.

Every man of God is a minister.

Every man of God has been given a task.

Every man has a gifting which He can use.