Entrepreneurs Of Faith
If you’re a business owner, aspiring business owner, manager, entrepreneur, non-profit, or ministry leader we want to invite you to join us at our Entrepreneurs of Faith meetings!
Entrepreneurs of Faith serves to provide inspiration and empowerment needed for a successful, balanced life while pursuing the call of God in order to build genuine relationships within the business community.
No! Our meetings are open to any and all business owners, aspiring business owners, managers, entrepreneurs, non-profits, or ministry leaders. Even if none of the above apply, we encourage you to check us out and we know you’ll walk away with invaluable knowledge to take into any career.
No! Our doors are open to all with a thirst for biblical knowledge and networking with other like-minded individuals.
We will provide a hot dinner (PM meetings) or hot breakfast (AM meetings) while you network and connect with other professionals. Our lead pastor, Pastor Joe Sorce will share a teaching relevant and timely message valuable for all professionals.