Leadership Training For Ministry
New Beginnings Bible School is a ministry leadership training center that exists to provide a Biblically-based and theologically sound preparation for Believers and to equip the same in becoming Spirit-empowered Christians and transformational leadership to their local church and beyond.
At a glance.
January - November
First Year Students: Every Tuesday from 7pm - 9pm
Second Year Students: Every Thursday from 7pm - 9pm
Lecture Style Classes
Learn Biblical truths and applications from all of our great teachers. Take notes!
Affordable Tuition
Tuition is $800 for members of New Beginnings.
Tuition is $1200 for non-members of New Beginnings.
What you'll learn.
Check out our courses below!
Through the Believer’s Authority course the student will come to understand such topics as: what is authority, where did it come from, who has it, why does the Believer need authority, how to walk in authority, authority over what, fear doesn’t support our authority, and much more.
Biblical World View is a course that will assist the student in beginning to understand the world’s perspective of the Bible specifically and Christians generally. The student will gain an understanding that the world does not understand Christ nor His follower because they see each through unrepentant and sin tainted eyes which is not condemnation but affirmation of the fact.
The Ephesians course will, among other things explore the six-fold role of the Christian Church. The student will come to understand that role depicted as a body, a temple, a mystery, a new man, a bride, and a soldier.
The Evangelism course is designed to strengthen our intimacy with our Heavenly Father and to help us effectively share the Gospel with other in our present-day culture. Bringing the Gospel is not just for a select few “Pastors”, but it is every Christian’s responsibility to extend salvation to every person he or she encounters.
The subject of Faith is one of the most important doctrines in the Bible since we receive our Salvation by Faith in the name of Jesus. Faith is that force that God has given to mankind by which mankind may overcome the adversities of living in a cursed world.
The Holy Spirit course is an eight week in-depth study of the Third Person of the Triune God Head. Some of the Topics we will cover are: Characteristics of the Holy Spirit, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, attributes of the Holy Spirit and much more.
How to Study the Bible is a course that offers essential insights into the Bible. Through this class students will gain the knowledge to assist them in clarifying their doctrines and help them to better grasp the meaning of the Scriptures and their application.
Many times, people of God are called to leadership only to have their ministry ship-wrecked due to their unknowingly moving into areas that they were never called to. This class will help the future leader prepare for their calling by helping them become aware of the “pit-falls.”
In a world governed by a sociological view of love and it’s being brought to bear with little or no fore-thought, Love 101 will help bring the student back to center. That center includes: a Biblical understanding of love, God’s love for man, the love of Jesus and the spiritual implications.
As we move into ministry roles, it is our obligation for us to cultivate a dynamic prayer life. Prayer 101 will help lead the student in that direction through such topics as: Asking, Speaking, Seeking, Knocking, Binding, Thanking and much more.
The Spiritual Growth Class will help students see the need to build a Christ-like character. This is an important facet as the student moves into ministry so that others will see Christ and experience the goodness of the Lord through the outreach. Just as a good earthly father desires his children to grow and mature, the Father God desires His children to do likewise. For this to be done, the children are given responsibilities. It is our responsibility to purpose in our hearts to develop a Christ-like character that produce fruit that lasts.
From the stories recorded for us of Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, and David, to the “New Covenant”, Malcom Smith exposes the symbolism of the covenant as foundational to God’s redemptive relationship with man. Through The Blood Covenant, the student will explore what relationship looks like through the lens of the covenant and experience a renewed appreciation for our Father’s loving-kindness toward us.
Having recorded the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus in the Gospel bearing his name, Luke now turns his attention to and relates for the student the works of the risen, ascended, and glorified Christ through his church. Acts shows the dramatic spread of Christianity from Jerusalem to Judea, to Samaria, to Rome, and “to the ends of the earth” through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Around the time that Jesus was born the name “Jesus” or more accurately “Yeshua” was a common name. People being people and much like people of today certain names become more popular than others. What made Jesus’ name different, of note or special than all the other “Yeshuas”? Through this course the student will come to understand the fullness associated with the name of “Jesus.”
The Great Commission was recorded for us in Mark 16: 15-20. These are the signs also for the modern day Christian, who should be a lighthouse to others, walking in the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit, healing the sick, casting out demons, preaching salvation to the lost, and Jesus’ revelation for today. Acts 28: 30-31 teaches us that there is no ending to that and it is still being written, will you be included?
Our Christian life started as “little children” in the family of our heavenly Father. We soon begin to grow by feeding on the Word of God. We then move towards what the Bible calls “young men” (both sexes are implied). Finally God wants us to “soar” in the Spirit. I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Through this class the student will follow the development of the man and woman of God.
NBBS Catalog & Application
For the NBBS application, detailed info and tuition pricing, download the NBBS Catalog below.
Student Forms
Hey students! Here are some forms you might need as you attend NBBS.
Have questions?
Email Dr. Gerry Ball anytime at [email protected]!

Dr. Gerry Ball
Care Pastor | Dean & Director of NBBS